5 Things Your Fling Is Hiding From You

There are many things that women keep secret from us. Some of them are things that we may not want to know, but others are things are ones that would be good for us to find out ahead of time. If you are worried about what your fling is not telling you, you should be. […]

Sneaky Facebook Status Updates That Leave Your Fling Guessing

If you aren’t on Facebook, you must be living under a rock. Even people living under a rock come up once in a while to post their status. Facebook is both, a blessing and a curse to our generation. There is no such thing as privacy, but then again, there is no such thing as […]

Sexfinder.com 5 Point Review

Sexfinder is one of the largest and easiest to use fling dating sites on the web. This casual dating site goes above and beyond for providing an easy to use platform to help you hookup with hot women for great sex. With an enormous user base and a minimum of fake profiles, the chances for […]

How to Have a Summer Fling

Summer is a great time to start a fling. With the onset of nice weather, most people are ready to come out of hibernation and have some fun. Take advantage of all of the social opportunities that tend to pop up and start mingling. There are a lot of ways to go about finding a […]

Chapter #8 – The First Date – Increase Your Chances Of Having A Fling

You’re on a fling site because you want to get laid. Everyone knows it, so why we play stupid games by going to dinner or a movie without trying to set up a first date score is a mystery. Look, if a girl is on a casual sex site, she absolutely will put out on […]

Chapter #7 – Your First Email: Templates That GUARANTEE a Great Response Rate!

In general, men suck at writing introduction emails to women they are hoping to hookup or have a fling with. If you’re thinking that this is bad news because you’re pretty sure you’re one of them, you’re wrong! This is actually really good news for you. Since most guys don’t know how to write the […]

Chapter #6 – The Path Of Least Resistance: Spot & Bang Vulnerable Women On Fling Sites

Let’s be blunt. If you are on a casual dating website it is because you want to get fucked ASAP. If you wanted to dick around with long conversations and several dates before you have a chance to get a girl in bed, you’d be on a regular dating site. If you think that just […]

Chapter #5 – Spotting Fake, Scammer & Extortionist Fling Profiles

Fling sites are full of fake profiles and dating scams. Beyond the annoyance of wasting your time, some of them can cause you a whole lot more pain than a case of blue balls. If you’re going to have any luck with finding a fling, you have to be able to spot the fakes and […]

Chapter #4 – Foolproof Strategy, Use Multiple Fling Dating Sites

The fastest way to find a fling and to have more than one potential hookup at the ready any time you feel like fucking is to sign up for a minimum of two casual dating sites. If you’re worried about the cost, do the math and you’ll see that the monthly fees for these sites […]

Chapter #3 – Pick the Right Picture and You’re Ahead of 99% of the Other Guys

When you’re using casual dating sites to get laid, one of the single most important things you can do to increase your chances of scoring is using the right photo. No matter where you think you fall on the attractiveness scale, the fact is that without choosing pictures that portray you in the best possible […]