How to Have a Summer Fling

How-to-Have-a-Summer-FlingSummer is a great time to start a fling. With the onset of nice weather, most people are ready to come out of hibernation and have some fun. Take advantage of all of the social opportunities that tend to pop up and start mingling. There are a lot of ways to go about finding a summer fling, and no matter what your preferred technique, as the temperature rises outside, it’s the perfect time to generate some heat between the sheets, too.

Vacation Flings

If you’re planning to take a vacation this summer, it could be the perfect opportunity to have a fantastic fling that won’t come with unwanted strings. When you’re far from home and find a fling, it’s pretty clear to the other person that you’re just looking for some fun without a long-term commitment. Nightclubs and beaches offer the perfect environments for socializing with potential flings. Another great way to meet girls for hookups on vacation is to join some sort of group activity like a whitewater rafting expedition, a surfing class, or a yoga retreat. There are usually lots of single women at these sorts of things, and the group environment makes it easier to approach someone and talk to them without feeling awkward.

Use Your Social Circles to Find a Summer Fling

If you’re hoping to find a summertime sex buddy, the first thing you’re going to have to do is get out and mingle. When you get invited to barbecues, parties, and group camping trips, say yes as often as possible. This is a great way to connect with new women for some summer fun. The fact that you’ll already have at least one friend in common is a great icebreaker and lends itself well to a sense of familiarity and safety that makes it more likely that the girl will be open to casual sex. Just be sure to play this one totally above board so you don’t cause trouble that could lead to rifts in your friendships. That means being clear from the beginning about what you’re looking for, not leading her on that it could turn into something more, and when it’s time to end it, wrapping it up in a friendly way that doesn’t cause hurt feelings.

Make the Best of Local Events

Check out as many local events as possible to increase your chances of finding a fun summer fling. Outdoor concerts, music festivals, art events, and movies in the park are all great ways to get out of the house and meet women in a fun and laid back environment. Lots of local nightclubs will probably have live bands and promo events that will draw large crowds, too. Rent a plot in your community garden, volunteer with the local CSA, or get on the committee to help organize a neighborhood block party. All of these sorts of events lend themselves well to meeting potential hookups. In other words, anything that gets you out of your regular routine and offers the opportunity to meet new people will be a good place to potentially find a fling.

Find a Summer Fling Online

Casual dating sites offer a great way to find a summer fling. It’s fast and easy to meet people for a hookup online, and it also helps ensure that the people you’re meeting are looking for casual sex, not a long term relationship or love. You’ll probably find that the sex dating websites you frequent will pick up tremendously over the summer, presenting even more options than usual. Plus, you won’t have to worry about any weird, awkward social situations that might arise when you hookup with someone you meet through a mutual friend. If you’re going to be taking a vacation, you can also plan ahead to meet hookups who live wherever you’re going, which can boost the anticipation and fun factor of your impending trip.


Wrapping it Up

It won’t be hard to wrap it up if you’re on vacation or using a fling site to meet women. If you find your summer sex buddy through mutual friends, you’ll need to tread gently, but it’s totally possible to end on a positive note. The best way is to avoid trouble at the end is to be very clear from the beginning about what you’re doing, and then to make sure you don’t send mix signals during the fling. As summer winds down, you can space out the time between your hookups, or casually mention that it was a lot of fun, but now life is returning to normal and you won’t have time for it as things resume their usual pace. As long as your honest and nice, you can have your fun and walk away with a clear conscience.

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