Chapter #7 – Your First Email: Templates That GUARANTEE a Great Response Rate!

Step-#7In general, men suck at writing introduction emails to women they are hoping to hookup or have a fling with. If you’re thinking that this is bad news because you’re pretty sure you’re one of them, you’re wrong! This is actually really good news for you. Since most guys don’t know how to write the kind of introduction email that will get good looking women to respond, once we show you how, you’re really going to stand out from the crowd!

Your first impression set by the email you send. If you make a bad first impression, or almost worse, none at all, you’re never going to hear back from the women you’re contacting. And guess what? If you never hear back from them, you’re never going to get laid.

We tested hundreds of different styles for writing first emails to women on casual dating sites. Our testers compiled the data to see which email templates worked and which ones didn’t, taking the guesswork out of the process for you. With these incredibly simply tips and tricks, you’ll have more women responding to you than ever before, which means that you’re going to be having more sex than ever before!

Not Like This! How to Compose a Crappy Email That Turns Women Off:

• Be Perverted – “God damn, girl! Your tits can’t be real, Jesus Christ! Luckily for you, I don’t care if they’re real. I can’t wait to have my cock squeezed in between those jugs. Don’t worry, I’m not all about me, though. I can eat pussy for days. I’ll make you squirt like a super soaker. Hit me up and I’ll give it to you good.”

• Sound Stupid and Illiterate – “B4 we meet U shud no that I think you’re totally hot and I will treat you like a queen. I no we R all just looking 4 sex here, but I am also a romantic. You can expect a bubble bath with rose pedals, followed bi a long and senshual message. Lets conversate and see where things go.”

• Showcase How Boring and Average You Are – “Hi, my name is Joe and I am contacting you because you are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. I’m a computer programmer, have two cats, and love going to the movies. If that sounds good to you, let’s meet for coffee.”

When our testers sent messages like these, they were consistently ignored. When a response was received, they were usually angry and mean, and the women were definitely not interested in meeting any of these guys in person let alone have a fling with them!

The first example is just too perverse. It won’t turn any woman on. If anything, it will creep her out. She doesn’t know you. It’s too forward and too sexual. If you want to get laid, don’t explicitly mention any sex acts in the first email.

The second example goes to show that any woman with a brain will not want to talk to, let alone have sex with, a guy who comes across as an idiot. Don’t use chat speak, and if you can’t spell to save your life, use Spellcheck!

The third example is the most benign, but it’s just lame. Poor Joe isn’t a pervert or an idiot, but he’s equally unappealing. What about that message would entice a woman to waste her precious time replying to you? Nothing.

Here’s How It’s Done! For Best Results, (Copy/Paste) These Examples For A Guaranteed 90% Response

Use them On Our Approved Fling Sites:

Example 1 – I feel like I just found a unicorn! I was beginning to think that women who are both beautiful and intelligent on this site were purely mythological. Seriously, though, it’s crazy how many profiles you have to sift through to find anyone worth talking to. Stumbling across yours made my day! I loved the clever play on words you used to describe your ideal date. I really appreciate a girl with a sense of humor. Prove to me that magic is real by sending me something that will make me laugh and I’ll try to do the same for you!

Example 2 – When I saw your profile I thought at first that it must be fake, because I’ve yet to see anyone of your caliber on a dating site. I mean, you sound incredibly intelligent, and I’m a total sucker for a girl with green eyes and dimples. I imagine that you must have tons of guys trying to get your attention in real life. Can you please do me a favor? Hit me up on chat and explain to me why you’re on here!

Example 3 – Are you wondering if there are any decent guys on here? Because I was beginning to wonder if there were any decent women on this site until I found your profile! It’s so refreshing to find someone like you. You seem really cool, and the fact that you weren’t naked in your pictures and know how to spell made my heart skip a beat. Will you send me a quick note confirming that you’re actually real? You seem almost too good to be true

Do Not Joing Any Fling Sites Until You See This List

The reason that these emails worked is because they all follow a few simple guidelines that make responses more likely. Here are the things they incorporated that you’ll want to use in your own emails.

• Short and to the point
• Use proper spelling and grammar
• Personalized enough to show that you read the woman’s profile and looked at her pictures
• Show a sense of humor without being over the top
• They all issue a call to respond by asking a small question
• They are flattering without being overtly sexual

Women on casual dating & fling sites get way more emails than men. Keep it short or she probably won’t read the whole thing. Use proper spelling and grammar so that you sound intelligent, and have a sense of humor so that she’ll know you won’t put her to sleep with your dull personality. Be complimentary without being lewd, so that she’ll know you think she’s attractive. Wrap up the whole thing with some sort of request or question. This will prompt her to respond far more than simply saying, “Hit me up!” ever will.

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