What Women Look for on a Casual Dating Profile

What-Women-Look-for-on-a-Casual-Dating-ProfileLots of guys complain that they never get responses to their casual dating profiles, even when they’re using legit fling sites that are brimming with women who are looking for a sex buddy. So what gives? It’s all about knowing what women are looking for when they scan profiles for guys they’d like to meet for social sex. For reasons I can’t quite figure out, even seemingly intelligent men turn into Neanderthals when they fill out a casual dating profile. If you want to get laid, you have to remember that your profile is the first impression you will make on the women you are hoping to get into bed with you. Study up, because these are the things that women are looking for when they’re looking for a good time.

Women are Not Men, So Keep Your Clothes On

It is common knowledge to both genders that casual dating sites are all about looking for no strings sex. So you might think that it’s a great idea to show off your junk in your profile picture. No. Don’t go there. You might love to arrange a booty call with a woman who shows off her impressive rack in a profile pic, but women’s brains are wired differently. A close up of the goods before you’ve ever met in person is not going to get you anywhere. So keep your clothes on. The ladies will find you much more attractive if you have a clear face shot and you’re flashing a great smile.

Women Find Intelligence Sexy On Casual Dating Sites

If a chick is hot enough, you might not care if she can’t even spell her own name. Trust me, this doesn’t fly in reverse. Take the time to use spellcheck, and avoid using chat speak as though your life depends on it. Your sex life certainly does. If your profile is full of misspellings and grammatical errors, you probably aren’t going to get many responses. For a lot of women, even those who are immediately DTF, conversation is the absolute best foreplay. If you can’t hold your own in this arena, she probably won’t care to find out how you perform between the sheets.

Don’t Write Anything that Could Come Across as Creepy

If you’ve been on the internet at all in the last several months, you probably know how much controversy the song Blurred Lines by Robin Thicke has stirred amongst women. They’re having raging debates about whether it is an innocent song about a woman sending mixed signals or if it’s a thinly veiled rape anthem. Women are sensitive about this stuff, and for good reason. The truth is that a lot of women have found themselves in scary situations. Just because a girl wants casual sex, and joined a casual dating site, doesn’t mean she isn’t fearful that she could find herself tied up in some sociopath’s basement. Unless you are on a fetish specific dating site, don’t say things about wanting to hurt women or anything that can be construed as violating. Make it clear that you’re willing to meet in a public place. If you start talking about weird stuff without knowing if a woman is into it, she is going to decide you’re the next Ted Bundy.


Write about Your Life Like You Have One On Your Casual Dating Profile

This is a little bit different on casual dating sites than it is on those geared towards people looking for relationships, but probably not as different as you might be imagining. You don’t have to be quite as detailed, because when a girl is looking for a fling, she probably won’t care about what you do for a living, your ideal first date, and what your relationship with your parents is like. On the other hand, if you reveal nothing, you’re not going to spark her interest. The fact is that even if she only wants to meet you for sex and has no intention of having an emotional relationship with you, not living in your mother’s house and having friends and hobbies sends the message that you are a normal, healthy, together guy who is looking for some fun. Anything less and she’ll think you’re on the site because you’re a pathetic loser who can’t get laid any other way, and whether it’s true or not, giving that impression is a surefire way to make sure your journey of celibacy continues.

Use this article as a sort of cheat sheet to help you think like a woman while you’re writing your casual dating profiles. It will go a long way towards getting the responses you’re hoping for from the sort of women you want to sleep with.

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