Review is an interesting setup, to say the least. They have this cute little thing called the Booty Call Ten Commandments, in which they outline what would seem to be the rules that most people would assume would come with the territory of no strings attached, casual sex. However, if you take the time to read the testimonials, three of the four listed talk about how their friend with benefits match that they found on the site had turned into a serious relationship. One of the dudes says he married his booty call! Is that what you’re looking for on a casual sex site? I think not. Most guys who are looking for love will go to traditional dating sites that are geared for that. My guess is that one of two things is going on here. Either the site is full of people who don’t really know what they want and end up getting into serious relationships formed on fling sites, or these are fake testimonials meant to appeal to the ladies. In my experience, most dudes on casual sex sites want sex and only sex, but there are always some ladies who are hoping that they can fuck a man into loving them. You probably don’t want to join a site that encourages this. A good casual dating site will have plenty of people willing to offer real testimonials about the sexual encounters they’ve had with people they met through their membership.
If you decide to ignore this little red flag and join anyway, you’re going to find two types of women. In my area there were mainly large and rather unattractive women, and a few women who appeared to be older than my mother. There were a few cuties in the mix, but the overwhelming majority was a highly unattractive group of women. I’m guessing that these are the people the fake testimonials are geared towards, because they’re clearly desperate. In case you’re wondering, I don’t have unreasonably high standards. I’ve found plenty of women who meet my criteria on other casual dating websites, so I know that I’m not unrealistic. So group one is comprised of the women who are so homely that I’d rather jerk off alone than bang them.
The second group of women tends to fall on the other end of the spectrum. They’re pretty damn hot, and there are far more of them than there are the fat and ugly chicks. They’re hot because they’re stolen pictures of porn stars. Some of these fake profiles belong to men who are hoping to hook up with other men and reveal their true identities at a later date, hoping you’ll be so desperate that you’ll forget your sexual orientation. The vast majority, you’ll find, are located on the other side of the world from you. They’ll either try to con you into sending them money that they’ll supposedly use for travel in order to come give you the best blow job of your life (they never show up), or they are web cam girls trying to lure you to a site where you’ll pay to have cam sex with them.
I was so frustrated with the experience and felt so ripped off by that I started digging around online and discovered that I was far from the first person to have this experience. The site clearly has no concern for its real members. As long as they are collecting membership fees, they don’t seem to care at all if their members are actually hooking up. Unless you’re into BBW or grannies, your chances of getting any booty calls from this site are next to nothing. After a full month of surfing, I never once hooked up with anyone. I canceled my membership and moved on to more reputable sites that actually attract and keep real members because the hookups are plentiful and the scammers are few and far between.