How to Go From Friend to Fling

How-to-Go-From-Friend-to-FlingEvery guy knows the frustration of finding himself sexually attracted to one of his gal pals and being uncertain about how to move from just friends’ territory into fling. If you’re hoping that you can turn your plain old buddy into a sex buddy, don’t despair. It’s totally possible, and it can be easier than you think. If you’d rather be in bed with her than going for a run on Saturday mornings, here’s how it’s done.

Make Your Feelings Known, you want a fling!

This may sound like a no brainer, but a lot of guys never seem to get around to it. If you want a girl to consider you as potential fling material, you have to find ways to let her know, subtly or not so subtly, that you think she’s hot. She could very well be attracted to you, but uncertain about whether it’s mutual. It can be nerve wracking, but what’s the worst that can happen? No one likes rejection, but you’re already not having sex with her, so you don’t really have much to lose. You should also keep in mind that lots of chicks develop a physical attraction towards their guy friends, so it isn’t totally outrageous to think that it’s mutual. The worst case scenario is that you don’t end up sleeping with her, but the best case scenario could be that you end up having a hot fling with your hot friend.

Be There When She Gets Dumped

Do you know what a lot of women do as soon as they get dumped by a boyfriend? They have a fling! It really doesn’t matter whether she’s doing it to rebuild her self-esteem so that she feels desirable again, to get back at the guy, or just to have some fun and take her mind off the breakup, if you want to get her in bed, this is a great opportunity. Women are at their most vulnerable right after they’ve been dumped, so be sure to hang out with her during this time. Look, she’s going to have a fling with someone, so it might as well be you! Just make sure that you make it clear that you’d love to help take her mind off the guy by having some fun, not that you want to be the replacement love of her life, or you’ll create a situation that won’t be worth whatever fun you might have with her in bed.


Make Physical Contact with your potential fling

When it comes to turning male/female friendships into friends with benefits arrangements, one of the best ways to subconsciously steer her in that direction is to make lots of casual physical contact. Playful brushes, touching her arm when you talk to her and other small physical gestures will allow you to subtly see how she responds. If she looks uncomfortable or moves away from you, she’s clearly not comfortable. If, on the other hand, her hugs goodbye linger, she’s probably into you. Pay attention and you’ll know very quickly whether or not you’ll get a positive response if you try to take it further.

Skip the Friend Part and Go Straight to Fling

If you’re really set on hooking up with a particular friend for casual sex, the steps above will give you the best possible chance of doing that. If she’s that hot or the attraction is that strong, it could very well be worth your time. On the other hand, if it’s not so much about one particular woman and you’re only considering it because you don’t know of any other easy way to find a fling you can save your time and energy. Instead of trying to figure out whether a female friend might be down for some casual sex on the side, you can find a sex buddy on a casual dating site. You won’t have to worry about offending a girl because she wasn’t on the same page as you, because everyone is there for the same thing; casual sex! With so many reputable fling websites like,, and, you can find multiple friends with benefits without all of the hassle and game playing that can come from trying to hook up with a friend. There are lots of options, and if you’re a guy who wants a long list of flings or sex buddies to choose from, you should utilize as many as possible.

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